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Divine Feminine Rising


Embodied Earth Woman

"It is time to share your incredible gifts and talents with the world."

A sacred collaboration between sisters, mama cacao, spirit of kakau bliss, our Earth mother, Ascended masters, our Ancestors and the Spirits of nature.

A transformational program to heal your inner child & past, transform personally and in your relationships and come home to your full potential as an Embodied Earth Woman.

For woman who are ready for a next level step in personal and spiritual growth and feel the calling to embody their full potential as a woman of this New Earth to help and support the evolution of this planet.

What is holding you back to step into your power and do what you dream about?

Be part of this next sisterhood Earth circle

This program includes

Sacred Sisterhood Ceremonies

Elemental prayers & rituals

Sacred Sisterhood Talks & Calls

Deep connection rituals with Mother Earth & our Ancestors

Transformational healing on Soul level

Sacred shamanic healing methods

Sacred Earth medicines

Special gifts

And more...

Root yourself as an Embodied Earth Woman

A transformational three month journey with sisters, ceremonies, medicines and so much more...

​This Embodied Earth Woman program will offer you;

  • Deep healing methods on Soul level

  • Heal past issues, trauma and past lifetimes

  • Heal your ancestral linneage wounds & trauma

  • Transform your karmic relationships

  • Tranform old behavioral patterns

  • Grow in Self-love and compassion

  • Empower your path to live your Souls mission

  • Embody the elements of nature within your body & lifestyle

  • Discover your Soul purpose & act on it

  • A deeper connection with your ancestors

  • A deeper connection with the sacred feminine within yourself and our Divine mother Earth.

  • Manifest your dreams and embody your gifts & talents


Discover & understand;

- What is holding you back to step into your full potential

- Why life circumstances happen(d)

- The seed of your fears & insecurities

- Your karmic relationships & soul contracts

- Your gifts, talents and potential

- How to deepen your spiritual connection with our mother Earth

We have place for 8 woman only.

Reserve your spot!

"A full two month moon cycle to heal, discover, find peace, trust and empower into your Souls essence.  A powerful and unique sisterhood gathering to connect with and to help you grow as a woman and step into your souls purpose. It is time to embody your full potential, talents and gifts you have to bring as a divine woman onto this planet, calles Earth."

After two months you will experience and have learned...

  • How to embody and share your talents & gifts

  • A deeper your connection with your intuïtion, inner truth and Soul Consciousness

  • Healed inner child and past issues and trauma's

  • How to work with the elements and how to do rituals and prayers for guidance and healing

  • How to connect with your Ancestors and mother Earth

  • A deeper understanding of your Soul's journey

  • More peace of mind, Self-love and Compassion

What to expect?

We will have 6 cycles of 11 days, this means a journey of two moon months in total. Within these cycles we will have sisterhood calls, online & live ceremonies, one-on-one mentoring and special gifts to deepen your inner transformation and understanding about Self. Also you will receive weekly tasks that fit the element of the week. Below you will read a few things we will do in each cycle. The whole program will contain more, listen below is a summery to give you a feeling of what to expect. Don't forget that from cycle 2 until cycle 5 you will be microdosing with kakau bliss.

Cycle 1 EARTH ~ Sacred Online Sisterhood Cacao Ceremony

Cycle 2 WATER  ~ Hypno Soul Regression therapy session & Karmic Relationships

Cycle 3 FIRE ~ Ancestral healing & prayers and One-on-One Mentoring session

Cycle 4 AIR ~ Manifestating our dreams through embodiment

Cycle 5 SPACE ~ Divine and Ancestral Soul distance healing & Microdose meditation

Cycle 6 DIVINE ~ Sacred Mother Earth Dayretreat

A beautiful inspiring day which we will start with a sweatlodge & water bath ritual. After a small lunch we will deep dive with Kakau Bliss and experiencing a tranformational fire ceremony. You will receive powerful Divine Mother Earth Initiations and Soul transmissions to support your healing and transformational journey.*

*The Kakau Bliss ceremony will be held approximetly one month after cycle 5. In between, you will work on your embodiement becoming a Woman of this New Earth.

This will be the schedule for the ceremonies & sacred talks:

  • Sunday 18th of June 09:30 - 12:00 Online Sacred Sisterhood Cacao Ceremony

  • Wednesday

  • Saturday 13th of August 09:30 - 21:30 Sacred Mother Earth Dayretreat

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"Become your true embodied and full potential Self. This program will help you grow in Self-love, Self-worth and will empower your whole believe system. It is time to let go off old patterns that no longer serve you, this world needs you to raise your feminine power and bring your talents and gifts into the world. Learn to become and Embodied Earth Woman."

“An Embodied Earth Woman has grown a strong connection with the Divine mother Earth and has deepend her spiritual relationship with her. She embodies the seasons and elements within herself and understands the deeper meaning of connection between the Divine Feminine within and our Divine Mother Earth. She has healed and transformed inner wounds and past issues and made devotional steps towards her full potential sharing her gifts and talents with this world, to support the evolution of this planet and raise our Earth mothers Frecuency.”

Yolentha Ram

Alana Fairchild

Emotional wounding and abuse drains our creative power and prevents us from being able to feel for our truths. Then we and up feeling confused, anxious to heal and uncertain about our future. These are signs that we need to heal and strengthen our connection to the natural world, to restore our connection to the sacred feminine.

Your investment & what you will receive

Scheduled Program

  • Sacred Sisterhood Ceremony (sweatlodge & water bath ritual)          When: New Moon18th of June

  • Sisterhood Calls                                                                                                          When?: Mondays 29-6 / 03-07 / 10-07 / 17-07 / 24-07 19:30 - 21:30pm

  • Sacred Sisterhood Ceremony (kakau bliss & fire prayer ritual & dance) When?: End of August.

You will receive

  • Ceremonial cacao for cycle 1

  • Microdose kakau bliss for cycle 2-5

  • Digital guidebook

  • One-on-one mentorship coaching

  • Distance soul & ancestral healing cycle 2 & 5

  • Online Hypno Soul Regression session

  • Human Design reading

  • Deep Dive Kakau Bliss Ceremony

  • An online zoom call each week

  • Whatsapp group app


BONUS: an inspiring giftbox to support your journey t.w.v. € 45,-

Total worth program € 800,-

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