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Womens Healing Retreat Spirit of the Rose

A beautiful journey of Soul Remembrance to Portugal in 2025

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Spirit of the Rose - Vrouwen Retraite / Womens Retreat 2025 - Awakening the Earth Angel within

From 22 to 26th of October 2025 at Rose Mountain Retreat Centre
Maximum of 11 - 14 Women

We welcome you with an open heart at Rose Mountain Retreat Centre for a very unique journey for women only. Join our healing Spirit of the Rose Retreat in 2025 and choose to reconnect with yourself on the depths of your being. Remember your inner wisdom of the Divine Feminine and true nature. Through deep magnifying rituals, ceremony and healing work you will be professionally guided to deepen your awareness and grow personally. 


We heal for our individual Soul, as for the collective, our ancestors and mother Earth. Our retreat offers healing frequencies connected to Rose lineages of the Mary Magdalenes and Shekinah, Sophia, the Divine mother, which empowers women on Earth to embody their eternal wisdom and come home in their purest divine heart, to remember who they are and why they came (back) to the mother ship; Earth.


Join us sister and gift yourself with the opportunity for becoming the woman that embodies her wholeness, activates her souls consciousness and womb power. Be ready to heal, let go and purify the old to create space for the new.


Lisa Participant 2024 edition shares: "This was wild! I never expected what happened during this retreat, it was absolutely transforming and amazing."


✓ This retreat is for all the women that know deep within, there is a bigger purpose for their life on Earth.

✓ For all the witches, healers, shamans, medicine women, Earth women, Earth angels. priestesses, spaceholders and those who feel called to step into the field of sacred unity, in connection to the Earth.

✓ For the woman that feels called to be in service to the awakening of humankind and the healing of the Earth.

✓ Not a typical yoga retreat but something truly different! Expect a conscious awakening and healing retreat with spiritual and relaxating elements that are nourishing and healing for body, mind, and heart.


Why would you want to be part of Spirit of the Rose?​

∞ You long for deepened awareness and a moment for yourself.

∞ You want to remember who you truly are and come home in your essence

∞ You want to get to know yourself on Soul level and connect with your life purpose.

∞ You want to recognize, understand, and heal your own shadow aspects.

∞ As a caring woman, you want to pay more attention to yourself.

∞ You carry energetic burdens from your (souls) past and want to heal this.

∞ You want to step into your power, live and make choices from your heart.

∞ You long for sisterhood in a safe and inspiring environment.

You are interested in spirituality and a deeper connection with life.


Click here for more information about:


Or scroll futher down for more information about our beautiful womensretreat in Portugal!

Watch one of our video's in which we explain more about the retreat:

Video 1


Warm Blessings,


Yolentha, Ash and Team





We offer a sacred program that includes multiple activities for healing, remembrance, transformation, awakening, growth and joy. The activities are scheduled consciously, connected to the weather, the energy, the moon and the elements.


You can expect sacred and ancient rituals, ceremonies, inner child healing, ancestral healing, past life / soul healing, earth medicines, voice liberation, sound healing, sister- & motherwound healing, elemental ceremonies, mother Earth healing, Mary Magdalene activations and enough free time to enjoy the landscape, swimmingpool and for personal integration and relaxation time.


This retreat is for every woman that feels the calling to be of meaning to something bigger in life, she longs for more in-depth connections, to herself, to others, to the Earth and life itself. She feels deep within she has something to offer, but she also feels something is holding her back to step into her power. She is ready to invest time in herself and wants to retreat from daily life for a moment. The Spirit of the Rose feels called to practice more inner healing work and is interested in spiritual growth. She is curious, feels excitement and maybe a touch of fear to join but she knows - she is ready for a next step to transform her personal life and become the woman that is ready to be awakened.


During the retreat we offer activities that assist in the awakening of your Soul Consciousness and inner Divine Feminine. All the activities are for all level experiences, you will receive exactly what is healing and nurtering for you, which is always enough. When you decide to join, it is a decision made on Soul level, you will receive what is supporting your personal path. We offer professional guidance during all activities and one-on-one time if needed. You are not alone in this journey, we will be with you.

How did other Women experience Spirit of the Rose Womensretreat of 2024 in Portugal?




​This was one of the most magical weeks I have ever experienced in my life! What a beautiful retreat, where I was able to open up on so many levels. Such a warm and loving environment where I felt safe to sing and dance, make music, laugh and cry, and connect. Where I was allowed to be completely myself. It was a beautiful and rich program. So many wonderful elements, with each ceremony or circle going a layer deeper. I enjoyed every gathering so much!

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​The retreat in Portugal was unforgettable and magical in every possible way. It brought so many gifts to me—the gift of sisterhood, the gift of expansion, the gift of clarity, to name just a few. It is one of those experiences that are difficult to describe; it can only be felt.




The spirit of the rose Retreat is magical. The innerwork, connecting, singing, breathing dancing and energy still resonates in my body and live. Thanks to this Retreat I make so much more choises by hart and soul. And met the most wonderful women.
Yolentha and Ashleigh made this possible. They created the most safe and beautiful space on rose mountain. I’m very grateful and wish every person this experience.


Pure Magic in the Algarve, Portugal

Rose Mountain Retreat Centre

Rose Mountain Retreat Centre is a place for coming home, healing and personal & collective transformation. Here you are allowed to attune to the deeper connection of “your” true Self. Immerse yourself completely in the shamanic landscape with all the elements the land & universe has to offer. With her 48 hectare private land, a salt water swimming pool, an outdoor Yoga deck, a Ceremonial Yurt and beautiful indoor ceremonial space the retreat centre offers all that we need for a perfect get-away.


Rose Mountain offers 4 Tiny Houses on the land (8 single rooms), a private room and a beautiful spacious dorm. Click here for more info on availablity & pricing.

Book Your Retreat Spot Here

Option 1: € 1880,- for a private room in a tiny house with shared bathroom with an amazing view over the valley!

Option 2: € 2000 single or € 1880 p.p. for a private double room with personal bathroom - 1 room available

Option 3: € 1660,- a beautiful double bed in a spacious dorm with shared spacious bathroom - 3 spots only

Option 4: € 1550,- a single bed in the spacious dorm with shared bathroom - 2 spots only

Option 5: € 1550,- campervan spot, no elektricity, use of the shared bathroom - 2 spots only


Please contact us for booking your ticket & space or for more information. Payment in installments is possible.

Including a non-refundable deposit of 25% of the total payment.


This includes: â€‹

∞ A 5 day - 4 night retreat at the most beautiful location of Rose Mountain.

∞ 3 Plant Based meals per day and healthy bites from La Mama Gaia chef  Marjolijn

∞ The full program and all activities, including free time for integration and relaxation.

∞ Aftercare after the retreat: one email & group zoom call and option for a free call.


Excluded: Flight, Travel- and Cancellation-insurance, (Pelvic) massage and Airport Shuttle. 

Check our travel recommendations here.​​

Calling in the Spirit of the Rose

“The Spirit of the Rose carries the beauty of the Divine Feminine. She brings softness, color and love to the lives of the humans she meets. She is caring and strong at the same time, holds a tremendous wisdom within each leave of her being. She is a woman who carries the Spirit of the Rose: a presence of the Divine Feminine mother.”

Meet the Team

​The team of Spirit of the Rose consists of grounded and inspiring women. Women who came to Earth to share their healing gifts from their purest Heart of Devotion. Yolentha, Ash, and Elma have years of work and life experience within the sacred field of healing and consciousness work. Marjolijn from La Mama Gaia also has experience in the conscious field and cooks at retreats. Our soul missions share one common goal: we are here to support other people on Earth in their journey of healing, remembrance and awakening.


"When we heal, we heal the Earth" - Meet Initiator and CEO Yolentha

Yolentha feels truly blessed being able to offer this magical sacred work to women from all over the world. She honors her Souls Divine calling, in assisting in the healing of the Earth by helping men and women in remembering their true essence. With her healing hands and devoted open heart, she has been guiding for over 10 years people in re-connecting with their Soul Consciousness, through healing- and energy work & plant medicine ceremonies. Yolentha is specialised in sacred ceremonial and ritual work, inner child, ancestral and past life healing. With her years of experience in organizing conscious healing retreats, you can expect a professional, well guided retreat held within a sacred, safe and gentle atmosphere.


Learn More About Yolentha here​

Follow Yolentha on Instagram

"Ubuntu, I am because you are" - Meet Co-host en Breathwork Queen Ash

​Ashleigh feels deeply called to hold space for people to reconnect with the divinity and wisdom within and to create space for healing in community. She is an experienced space holder and energy healer, who is specialized in somatic therapy, breathwork and healing deep layers of trauma. She has a special interest in holistic women’s health (specifically pelvic health) and uses her background in physiotherapy to inform her practices. Her greatest passion is to bring people into deeper connection with themselves and one another through reconnecting to spirit, embodiment and multidimensional healing. Sharing her wisdom, her voice through singing and chanting and space holding in ceremony brings her great joy and she feels deeply privileged to do this work.


Follow Ash on Instagram

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"Honoring the gifts of Mama Gaia" - Meet our Chef Marjolijn | La Mama Gaia

Marjolijn is a private chef from the Netherlands, traveling the world to spread her love for food. Creating delicious, colourful and nourishing dishes as a form of love is Marjolijn’s description of heaven. With her food she will encourage you to get more plants on your plates in your daily life.  Because Mama Gaia (mother earth) gives us so many beautiful, colourful and tasty ingredients to experience, and Marjolijn loves to show you how to turn them into tasty plant-based, fresh and organic dishes. It will be a food fest of colours and taste everyday!


Follow La Mama Gaia on Instragram


A Personal message

From Yolentha Ram - initiator Spirit of the Rose Retreat

How wonderful that you are on this page and are looking at the Spirit of the Rose Women's Retreat Portugal. Maybe you are immediately excited about everything you read, but I can also imagine that this program and retreat raise some doubts, as many activities and the theme of our retreat might be completely new to you.


If you feel curious and have a butterfly in your belly, but you feel some fear for deciding, know that we can have a call to talk about anything. This way, you get to know me and you can ask any questions you have.


You can also get to know me a bit through the Podcast (in Dutch) "From Surviving to Living," where you can listen to part 1 "Yolentha Ram - Medicine Woman, Energetic Healer, and Soul Coach" and part 2 "Plant Medicines, Ceremonies, and Trauma."

Catch a glimpse of our Spirit of the Rose Womensretreat

How to get to Rose Mountain?

Faro Airport is about 45 minutes drive from the retreat centre. Lisbon is more then two hours drive.


You can already book your flights now.


We will offer an airport shuttle on Wednesday morning with pick up at the airport at approx. 10:00am and drop-off on Sunday at approx. 17:00pm. Shuttle is approx. € 15,- single, needs to paid in cash to the driver.



Absolutly. Our retreats are ment for everyone who feels called to come and experience this retreat. Women of all ages and race is welcome, we see everybody as one and the same, there is no difference between us. Our programs are developed for all levels of experience, from zero to more developed experienced: we will meet you where you are at and honor your personal journey.


Understandible. Maybe you're not sure yet what to expect and maybe you don't feel called to sit with earth medicines yet. We offer different ceremonies, f.e. the Cacao & Rose ceremony is very gentle, safe and not psychedelic. It is a beautiful oppertunity to connect with sacred earth medicines for the first time. Psilocybin truffel will help you to journey deeper within your (un)conscious body. It is a magical, safe and life transforming experience - but, it is not mandatory. So if you feel a 'no' then we will respect this. Please contact Yolentha for more information if needed.


Great, so amazing that you feel pulled to this retreat. It is absolutely going to be an one of kind experience you will not soon forget. Having doubts is very human ;) Am I ready for this? Am I willing to pay this amount of money for this? We understand. We would love to make you aware of your inner callings, listen to your heart, trust your intuïtion, listen to your inner voice and body. If you feel a YES, then go for it and don't let fear get you in the way of living your dream life. Money = energy and that needs to flow. Besides, you are investing in yourself, that is worth a lot right? Still having doubts? Schedule a free call with Yolentha and ask all your questions.


Yes, we do. On Wednesday we have a pick-up around 10:00am at Faro Airport and a drop-off on Sunday around 16:30pm. A single pick up / drop-off will be around € 15,- and will be paid cash to the driver.


Gosh, we are delighted with La Mama Gaia Queen Marjolijn cooking at Spirit of the Rose. She offers organic, plant based meals that will nourish body and soul. You will receive a daily breakfast, lunch and dinner (lunch or dinner a bit lighter because of the program) and healthy bites and snacks. Enough nourishing delicousness!


Absolutely, we honor your sacred 'me-time' and feel it is very important for you to have time to relax, enjoy and have time for personal integration. The activities can become a bit intense and old energy can be released, it is important that you spend time on your own, to journal, meditate, walk, swim or read a book.


We have space for 11-14 women who will be divided into the tiny houses and the main house. The tiny houses have two private small single rooms and one share bathroom with an amazing view over the valley. The room in de mainhouse is a double bed with private bathroom. There is a spacious luxurious dorm with 3 double beds and a few single bunk beds. There is also space on the land for 2 campervan spots with a nature toilet and shower, you can also use the shared bathroom.


We will be offering a magical ceremony on Friday, in which we connect with the sacred spirit and ancestral plant wisdom that strongly is connected to the Divine Mother and mother Earth. She is kind and supportive to assist you in discovering the onconscious patterns that need healing and wants to be felt. With pure love and bliss, she will help you to remember who you truly are: an amazing, powerful, beautiful woman. If you feel hesitation about this experience or you want to know more, please contact Yolentha for any questions. This is part of the retreat but not mandatory.


Please understand that we are organizing much in advance in preparing for this retreat for you. Therefor we have a strict cancellation policy to protect our time, effort and retreat. Once you have booked, we see you as a guest who will join this sacred gathering. If so, due to circumstances you can't come, all responsibilty is for you and you can try to find someone else to fill your spot.


Cancellation until 4 weeks prior to the retreat gives a 75% refund.

Cancellation from 4 weeks prior to the retreat gives no refund. When your spot can be filled with a new canditate, you will receive a 75% refund.


For more information about our booking - and cancellation policy, please click here.

Contact me for more information & questions

I will do my best to respond in 2-3 working days. Because of my pregnancy, in the period between end of April - June 2025, a respone can take a while longer.

Thanks for submitting!

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